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About Dr. Shiva Gopal Vasishta, MD

Shiva Gopal Vasishta, MD is a practicing Neurologist in Voorhees, NJ. He currently practices at Eastern Neurodiagnostic Associates, which he founded in 1992. Dr. Gopal is double Board Certified in both Neurology and Electrodiagnostic Medicine.


Dr. Shiva Gopal completed his undergraduate Medical Education and Residency in Internal Medicine at the Government Medical College, Nagpur, India in 1984 and proceeded to his Neurology Residency at the Boston University Affiliated Hospitals, in Boston, MA from 1984-1987. 

Dr. Shiva Gopal Visishta
Eastern Neurodiagnostic Associates

About Our Practice

The Board Certified Physicians at Eastern Neurodiagnostic Associates utilize a team approach in both the Diagnosis and Treatment of all patients suffering from Neurological and Pain conditions.

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